This group of dedicated yogis decided to take their practice to the next level by participating in The Yoga Sanctuary’s Teacher Training Program. Over the next few months, we’ll be introducing you to them with short interviews followed by the “yoga story.” Each and everyone one them is a true inspiration!

Vrksasana: the tree pose
Introducing Jim Cupo
TYS: What made you decide to participate in the teacher training program?
JC: I saw that my asana, or yoga postures, were improving. I was getting more flexible, but had heard there were aspects of yoga other than the movements that we do. So, I wanted to know more about yoga.
TYS: Has being in the program changed your yoga practice in any way?
JC: The program has changed my practice by understanding more of what yoga is all about. There’s so much more to explore than what we are able to do in class. My practice has become more comfortable because I understand it’s foundation better. I have a more consistent routine now with meditation, my everyday asana home practice, and journaling.
TYS: What has been the most rewarding part of the program so far?
JC: The most rewarding part of the program so far is being in a group with others on the same path as me and seeing everyone progress. Seeing where we started from, how much we learned, and how far we have come.
TYS: What has been the most challenging part of the program so far?
JC: The most challenging part of the program has been keeping up with the studies, and retaining the information so as to be prepared for quizzes. Also, teaching in front of others, but over time I’ve gotten better at that.
TYS: Where do you see yourself once the program is complete?
JC: I think once the program is complete, I’ll continue to practice and explore everything I have learned. Now that I understand what yoga is, I’m going to see how I can help others.
TYS: Do you have any suggestions for someone that is considering a yoga teacher training program?
JC: If you’re considering taking the teacher training program, you will not regret it. There is so much more to yoga than what we’re able to do in class, such as learning where our studio came from, the lineage of all the teachers that have come before us. It’s a lot of hard work and learning, so be ready to eat, sleep, and live yoga. Our studio and program director, Jennifer, has been such an inspiration to me. She is an excellent teacher and sees each individual’s abilities and struggles
Click here to learn even more about Jim!