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Yoga in Your Daily Life

Desk Yoga: More Comfort While You’re Seated

                  If you spend a number of hours seated at a desk each day, you have likely felt the strain on your back, hips, legs, and, well, just about everywhere. Sitting for hours is unhealthy, simply put, but you can...

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Yoga for Golf and Tennis

Yoga for Golf and Tennis

People come to yoga for many reasons. Some want stress relief, some want to nurse an injury, others want to prevent injury, and some want to build strength, flexibility, or both. More and more, people are also coming to yoga as a way to enhance their performance in a particular sport. Any sport can be supported through yoga practice, and since golf and tennis are so popular here in Florida, we’ll focus on the practice of yoga for golfers and tennis players.

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Keep Cool during Summer with Yoga

At this time of year the heat can seem unbearable at times. Keeping cool becomes a priority throughout the long days and sometimes breezeless nights. If your yoga mat is collecting more dust than you’d like because the thought of working up a sweat is the furthest...

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Taking Your Practice on the Road!

Summertime is in full effect. It’s the perfect time to slow down and take a vacation, either near or far. There is one downside of vacation, however—our regular yoga practice takes a backseat. But it doesn’t have to. While on vacation it can be fun to get creative...

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The Joy of Yoga as Practiced with Others

There is something about practicing yoga in a group that really helps you develop your practice. The benefits of practicing yoga with others are many. When we practice together, we are challenged to keep a certain pace, try new poses, and honor our boundaries all...

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Hard Day on the Mat

Sometimes yoga practice doesn’t give us that awesome feeling we are accustomed to. Sometimes it’s a real struggle. Some days, just getting to the mat can seem like a marathon itself. Other days, we expect our practice to deliver the bliss, yet we muster through the...

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Make Your Practice Your Own

Do you ever find yourself in yoga class struggling to maintain a pose, or to get into a pose, or to keep up the pace during flowing sequences? Do you notice your mind gets agitated with thoughts like, “Why can’t I just keep up,” “Will I ever be able to do this pose,”...

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Take Your Practice off the Mat

The yoga practice is designed to promote a feeling of calm, peace, and equanimity. The movements are fluid and synched to the breath. The mind finds relative ease and less distraction. The atmosphere is usually relaxing. While the environment in which we practice yoga...

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Finding Calm amidst Chaos – On and Off the Mat

The hustle and bustle of the holiday season brings with it a seemingly contradictory mix of joy and distress, love and fear, compassion and selfishness, and love and disdain. Life gets busier and expectations run high as time runs out. Emotions go up and down, to do...

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Eat Mindfully This Holiday Season

The holiday season is upon us with busier-than-ever schedules, endless to-do lists, and one get together after another with delicious, rich, waist-expanding foods at our fingertips. It’s easy to see how the average person gains 5 to 10 pounds during the holidays. Food...

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Improve Your Posture with Yoga

Through the practice of yoga we become more aware of how we hold our bodies—how we stand, how we walk, and how we move about. This awareness takes, well, practice. In yoga class we work on lengthening the spine with a stable, engaged core while lifting and opening the...

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Sangha at The Yoga Sanctuary

Sangha at The Yoga Sanctuary

At The Yoga Sanctuary you will find a community of like-minded individuals and friends who come together to practice yoga. This aspect of yoga practice—coming together as a group with similar intentions—is known as sangha, or community. Sangha originates from Buddhism...

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Yoga for Digestion

The practice of yoga, especially asana and pranayama, not only supports our structural physical health, but also the internal physical health of our organs. One particular internal benefit of yoga is the support of digestive health, governed by the Manipura Chakra....

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resistance, meet ease

The practice of yoga brings an array of experiences and feelings. Many are pleasant, and some, well, not so pleasant. The not-so-pleasantness shows up as resistance—physical, mental, and emotional resistance. This is a natural part of the practice. The tendency is to...

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When Yoga Class is Full…

When Yoga Class is Full…

Sometimes all we want is a nice quiet space to practice yoga. We come to class and set down our mat in the perfect spot—with plenty of space in every direction. We enter a relaxing posture as we wait for class to begin. Then, someone sets down her mat to our right, closer than we might like. Then, someone else sets their mat down to the left, closing in. Soon, the entire room fills up with mats squeezing closer and closer together until it seems like no one else could possibly fit—until someone else does.

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