Muladhara, the root chakra is located at the very end of the spine and is activated by the perineum and pelvic floor. Being the root chakra, Muladhara is associated with the element of earth. Its qualities include survival, family, primal, and materialistic concerns....
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Yoga Beyond Asana
The Chakra System
Chakras are the seven main vortexes of energy, or prana, which correspond to different areas of the body. They begin at the pelvic floor, move up through the sacral area, the solar plexus region, the heart, throat, eyebrow center and end at the crown of the head. The...
As we continue to explore the yogic precepts for living, we turn our focus this month to the fifth and final Niyama: Isvarapranidhana. “…if we concentrate more on the quality of our steps along the way than on the goal itself, then we also avoid being disappointed if...
“Study, when it is developed to the highest degree, brings one close to higher forces that promote understanding of the most complex.” – The Yoga Sutras of Pantanjali, Sutra II.44
“By austerity, impurities of body and senses are destroyed and occult powers gained.” – The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Sutra II.43
Santosha: The Second Niyama
“By contentment, the highest happiness is attained.” – The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Sutra II.42
“When cleanliness is developed it reveals what needs to be constantly maintained and what is eternally clean. What decays is the external. What does not is deep within us.” – The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Sutra II.40
“When non-greed is confirmed, a thorough illumination of the how and why of one’s birth comes.” – The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Sutra II.39
“By one established in continence, vigor is gained.” – The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Sutra II.38
asteya (non-stealing)
“To one established in non-stealing, all wealth comes.” – The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Sutra II.37
satya (truthfulness)
“To one established in truthfulness, actions and their results become subservient.” – The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Sutra II.36
ahimsa (non harming, compassion)
“In the presence of one firmly established in non-violence, all hostilities cease.” – The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Sutra II.35
what is tantra?
“A system to lead the aspirant to pure consciousness. The entire universe is the manifestation of this consciousness and the human being is a miniature universe that parallels the whole of the external manifestation.”
– Sri Swami Rama, founder of the Himalayan Institute
Inside The Yoga Sutras: The Keys to Peace (1.33)
“By cultivating attitudes of friendliness toward the happy, compassion for the unhappy, delight in the virtuous, and disregard toward the wicked, the mind-stuff retains its undisturbed calmness.”
Seva: Selfless Service
The Sanskrit word Seva translates directly as “thread”, implying that all things are connected in the thread of existence. To engage with one is to engage with the whole. Likewise, to serve one is to serve the whole.