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Energetic Body

Svadhisthana Chakra

Svadhisthana is known as “the seat of the self,” or the seat of the soul. It is located at the sacrum, just above the base of the spine. Svadhisthana is associated with the water element. All bodily fluids are governed by this chakra. And as a water chakra, the energy...

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Muladhara Chakra: The Root

Muladhara, the root chakra is located at the very end of the spine and is activated by the perineum and pelvic floor. Being the root chakra, Muladhara is associated with the element of earth. Its qualities include survival, family, primal, and materialistic concerns....

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The Chakra System

Chakras are the seven main vortexes of energy, or prana, which correspond to different areas of the body. They begin at the pelvic floor, move up through the sacral area, the solar plexus region, the heart, throat, eyebrow center and end at the crown of the head. The...

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