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Exploring Vata Dosha

Exploring Vata Dosha

Vata dosha is the mind-body constitution composed of the air and space elements. These elements give Vata individuals qualities such as lightness, movement, and creativity. People with a dominant Vata dosha are energetic, talkative, and always seeking new experiences. Known for their optimism and curiosity, Vatas are natural idea generators.

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Understanding the Doshas: Your Ayurvedic Mind-Body Constitution

Understanding the Doshas: Your Ayurvedic Mind-Body Constitution

The doshas are the three primary mind-body constitutions in Ayurveda, the 5,000-year-old sister science to yoga. Ayurveda teaches that everything in the universe is composed of five elements: earth, water, air, fire, and space (also called ether). These elements combine in different ways to form the three doshas: vata, pitta, and kapha.

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