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Stretches legs, hips, spine, shoulders, and wrists; strengthens legs; tones abdominal organs; develops balance and stamina; improves circulation; quiets the mind; relieves anxiety and nervous tension.

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parsva prasarita padottanasana

Strengthens and stretches the muscles in the legs, back body, and torso; brings openness to the sides of the waist; massages the abdominal organs; flushes the spine and abdominal organs with fresh nutrients; relieves fatigue; removes sluggishness; calms the mind and brings a sense of groundedness.

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utthita trikonasana

Strengthens and stretches the legs, spine, and back muscles; opens the hips, chest, and shoulders; calms the mind, brings a sense of groundedness, strength, and balance; helps improve function of reproductive and digestive organs.

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parivrtta uttanasana

benefits: Stretches the entire back body and the sides of the waist; stimulates the abdominal organs; brings flexibility to the spine; strengthens the abdominals; improves digestion; help to reduce fatigue and anxiety.

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adho mukha svanasana

benefits: Senior Iyengar teacher, Bobby Clennell writes, “If you have time to practice only one pose, make it Adho Mukha Svanasana.”

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adho mukha vrksasana prep

benefits: strengthens the wrists, arms, shoulders, abdomen, back, and legs; opens the shoulders and chest, brings focus to the mind, invigorates the body and mind, prepares the body for full handstand pose.

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benefits: strengthens spinal muscles; stretches the abdomen and chest; increases flexibility in thoracic and lumbar spine; with regular and safe practice, helps to alleviate low back pain.

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BKS Iyengar writes, “In this extreme extension of the back of the body the ego becomes subdued and the mind quiet.”

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benefits: strengthens wrists and arms, ankles and legs; opens shoulders and chest; balances the effects of strong forward bends; invigorates the body and spirit; promotes a sense of playfulness and joy.

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virabhadrasana I

benefits: Strengthens and stretches the legs; opens the hips; improves upper back and shoulder flexibility; creates stability, strength, and balance. Patricia Walden writes, “Women feel powerful and strong in this pose. It’s great for relieving joint stiffness in older women.”

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parivrtta trikonasana

benefits: increases blood flow to the abdomen, pelvis, and legs, strengthens legs and torso, brings stability to the body, tones abdominal organs.

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benefits: strengthens back muscles; stretches abdominal and chest muscles; opens shoulder joints; increases flexibility in spine; counteracts effects of prolonged sitting; brings a sense of joy

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ardha chandrasana

Benefits: strengthens and stretches the legs; brings flexibility into the hips; improves balance and confidence; calms the mind and improves concentration

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baddha konasana

Strengthens back and leg muscles; opens the abdomen and chest; increases flexibility in shoulders and upper back; counteracts the effects of long periods of sitting; stimulates the thyroid; helps ease depression and high blood pressure; balances the nervous system.

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